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I Hate Backup Software

Windows Home Server

There, I said it. I hate backup software. Buying it, setting it up and configuring backup software is about as fun as going to the dentist. I'm sure that programs like Acronis True Image Home 2009 and Backup4all are fine pieces of coding technology in their own right, but I despise the fact that they even exist (again nothing personal against these companies).

I hate backup software, but I need to backup my data. So what do I do? That's why I bought a Windows Home Server (which I explain in my blog post on Home Server Hacks). With WHS, I don't have to think about backup or backup software. It's automatic and I don't even have to know about it. (Also, the Windows Home Server team blog explain the ins and outs of backup software a little better than I do, so please read their take on the whole mater).

Now I never backup my PC. My Windows Home Server does it for me!

*** Update ***

I'm not alone with my praise for Windows Home Server backups. Here's what one reader on HomeServerHacks.com had to say (MSS = HP's MediaSmart Server):

I have always been very careful about my data. My first attempt at backup a few years ago was with CD-RW disks. With the amount of data I had I needed about 25 disks to back it all up. What a pain in the butt!!! I then found about external disk drives and started using Ghost. This was the best solution that I found. Now that I have a MSS Home Server, it is an absolute delight to let all 6 of my home systems backup each and every night automatically. My MSS is one of the best computer upgrades I have done in a while


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