Welcome to the home of Donavon West. An independent consultant and Microsoft MVP. I'll be discussung things that are near and dear to me, including life, love, technology and politics. Are you looking for Donavon Stinson? Or possibly even Donavon Frankenreiter? (man, that dude is everywhere!)

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My wife girlfriend fiancé mother of my child whatever-she-is was just watching synchronized swimming on our NBC Olympics powered Windows Media Center (a horrible application, but that is a story for another post) when I said “wouldn’t it be cool if they just started to make out?”. Not 15 minutes later, I was on the web Googling for “loose meat sandwich” (long story) when I came across this image and post from clusterflock.org. Synchronized swimming is hot!


洪海龙 said on November 20, 2010 at 12:07 AM ...

Thanks for your posting, i am just a newbie in the internet business, need to learn a lot from the gurus
Microsoft Office 2007


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